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Start ShoppingI was so happy to see you carry the Harperlman Dolls. I discovered them last year and have purchased several. I absolutely love them. Thank you for having a great price point because it makes it easier to share the joy.
I ordered this bike for my grandson. It is so cute and just as described. The box came undamaged and was very easy to put together. Great purchase!
Exactly what we needed for the price we needed to pay.
Great boots for a great price.
I was so happy to see you carry the Harperlman Dolls. I discovered them last year and have purchased several. I absolutely love them. Thank you for having a great price point because it makes it easier to share the joy.
Reasonably priced, quick shipping and communication on point. Already placed my second order
First time ordering on this sight quick delivery
Beautiful lamp, sturdy too. Easy to assemble
First time ordering from Secondipity, and I'm glad I did despite my initial apprehension. The item was brand new and offered at a fraction of the price.